Monday, November 30, 2009

Choosing the Vessel

We do not choose art, path, message, or chooses us. We are just the vessel.--modified from Madeleine L'Engle

--And the one chosen may not always be the most obvious choice from our perspective, but they will be the most 'perfect' choice for the purpose of that seeking a vessel.

eukrendis numerosa- the mystic child --by Eddi 07

Strike a Chord of Silence is CG's new book of metaphysical maxims and essays.

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author

"You may journey forever, when you find [dance] the road within...."

Thank you David Klamph  for this video: 


If you are having trouble viewing the video, go to:

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author– or purchase as ebook or from Amazon as Kindle version or printed copy. For International sales, please see

CG Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives.

If you are enjoying the features of CG's blog, get future installments sent directly to your email or reader via RSS feed.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Incomplete Belief Systems

It is an incomplete belief system that does not encompass the very concepts of its contradiction.--CG Walters, Strike a Chord of Silence

collective dreams- exhibition by Eddi 07 (OFF)

Strike a Chord of Silence is CG's new book of metaphysical maxims and essays, also available in Kindle.

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review)Sacred Vow are available from the author

thank you Ligita Gondolf for this video:

Deepak Chopra interviewed for ONE THE MOVIE

If you are having trouble viewing the video, go to:

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author– or purchase as ebook or from Amazon as Kindle version or printed copy. For International sales, please see

CG Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives.

If you are enjoying the features of CG's blog, get future installments sent directly to your email or reader via RSS feed.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Creating the World

Sacred begins at the tip of your tongue. Be careful

when speaking. You create the world around you with

your words.-- (Navajo Elder Traditionalist; Two - Spirit People)

Meister Eckhart by h.koppdelaney

Strike a Chord of Silence is CG's new book of metaphysical maxims and essays, (also available in Kindle).

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author

thank you
Ang Ash for this video:

Prayer of St. Francis by Sarah MacLachlan

If you are having trouble viewing the video, go to:

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author– or purchase as ebook or from Amazon as Kindle versionorprinted copy. For International sales, please see

CG Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives.

If you are enjoying the features of CG's blog, get future installments sent directly to your email or reader via RSS feed.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Your Sacredness

I am trying to tell you that if you look inward, and study your own sacredness and creativity and blessedness, and joy and power, as closely as you study the sacred books of the gods, then you would realize that all those books of the gods were based upon the great reality of the individual, the individual soul, and therefore based upon your own reality. -- Seth

WiLD DiViNE ! by akshay moon

Strike a Chord of Silence is CG's new book of metaphysical maxims and essays (also available in Kindle format).

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author

Thank you Tonie Wallace for this video: 

Geoff Bridgford "Have You The Urge Too"

If you are having trouble viewing the video, go to:

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author– or purchase as ebook or from Amazon as Kindle version
or printed copy. For International sales, please see

CG Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives.

If you are enjoying the features of CG's blog, get future installments sent directly to your email or reader via RSS feed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Releasing Answers

Your greatest achievement is not finding the answer, but finding and living peacefully with the question---the answer will change (if you are living, growing), but the question will not.---cgw

Answers can diminish our power, unless we are willing to let them go in the proper time. Perhaps an answer is a Zen Koan, something quite contradictory between definition and reality. Rather than answer being a conclusion to the question, the answer can provide us the conclusion to being stuck--a platform from which to spring higher. In finding an answer, we may rightly realize that we are no closer to being satisfied (having confused what is nourishing and what is utensil).

Tao Te Ching, Verse 48
The student learns by daily increment.
The Way is gained by daily loss,
Loss upon loss,
At last becomes rest.

Strike a Chord of Silence is CG's new book of metaphysical maxims and essays.

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author

Thank you Karen Pinkie Kendal for this video: If You're Out There {With Lyrics}

If you are having trouble viewing the video, go to:

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author– or purchase as ebook or from Amazon as Kindle version or printed copy. For International sales, please see

CG Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives.

If you are enjoying the features of CG's blog, get future installments sent directly to your email or reader via RSS feed.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Heart Dancing

You can dance anywhere, even if only in your heart. ~Author Unknown

Dance, Baby Dance by benrybobenry

Strike a Chord of Silence is CG's new book of metaphysical maxims and essays (also available as Kindle)

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author

If you are having trouble viewing the video, go to:

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author– or purchase as ebook or from Amazon as Kindle version or printed copy.

Strike a Chord of Silence is his new book of metaphysical maxims and essays.

CG Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives.

If you are enjoying the features of CG's blog, get future installments sent directly to your email or reader via RSS feed.