Thursday, January 1, 2009

CelebraZine 01Jan09

When deeds and words are in accord, the whole world is transformed. --Chuang Tzu

~KES presents You Are The Reason ~by Bonnie Ste. Croix

You Are The Reason ~by Bonnie Ste. Croix

If you could take silence and make it be words
If you could take children and let them be heard
If you could take war and let it be peace
The sun would rise on a world that's free.

If you could take shame and let it be pride
If you could shine light on the places you hide
If you could bring soldiers back to their lover's arms
The sun would rise on a peaceful morn.

If you could take Earth and heal all her wounds
And know every small step is gonna help it come true
If you could see beauty in everyone's eyes
Then you are the reason for the sun to rise

If we could begin, think of how it would feel
To slow down the pace now, and let yourself heal
To love that there's difference, to love that there's same
One by one in the world now, we'll make it change, we'll make it change

If you could take Earth, and heal all her wounds
And know every small step is gonna help it come true
If you could see beauty in everyone's eyes
Then you are the reason for the sun to rise
Then you are the reason for the sun to rise.
Then you are the reason for the sun to rise


Happy New Year, Dear Ones!!! You are the reason for the sun to rise!!

This concludes today's posting of
CelebraZine ( eZine to Celebrate What's Right in the World), a 'running blog carnival' (of posts both found and shared with me) that uplift and inspire.... an inspiration of sayings, video, audio (music and speech), images, poetry--anything and everything that feeds the positive in heart, spirit, and mind.

Our focus dictates what we see, which reinforces our focus, further confining the possibility of what we will see.

May you be blessed by these offerings reminding us of the beauty, wonder, and sacredness in the world around us and within us.

Celebrate yourself!

Be a part of the expression of celebration. Submit your submission ( containing text, image, video, and audio, poetry, quotes, etc.) anytime for the daily installments of CelebraZine, a 'running blog carnival' of What's Right in the World.

Note: Even if you are not the blogger of the work you'd like to suggest, but have noticed someone's work that you think should be included in a
Celebration of What's Right in the World
--empowering people and spirit--please point out the work to us.

Blessings, dear ones,

C.G. Waltersprimarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives. Autographed/signed copies of his current novel, Sacred Vow , are available from the author– or purchase from Amazon as ebook, paperback, or
Kindle version

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