Sunday, January 3, 2010

Walkabout 010110

p>If you are having trouble viewing the video above, go to:

One touch of Nature makes the whole world kin--William Shakespeare

Despite the blowing wind and 2 inches of ice pack, I had to go up the mountain on the first day of the year. The hard, slick surface required that for each step I break the crust by driving my heel--sometimes repeatedly--through the ice to make a toehold to move forward. Moving in this fashion, I did not get very far up the mountain in my 4 hour walk. But it was so worth the effort!
I went up the mountain carrying the residuals of my concerns and efforts. I came down radiating in unison with the mountain and the forrest. I was almost giddy with joy.

Blessings and wonder to you all, dear ones...


Robin Easton said...

WOW!!!! This is absolutely spectacular. We must have been on the same wave length as my latest post has a video that embodies similar sentiments. I just LOVE the message here. It is SO important. And your footage is stunning. I felt so excited seeing this and reading your thoughts/quotes and messages on the video.

My husband and I climbed to the top of a mesa (here in northern NM)on Christmas day and it was wild and windy and bitter cold and I came down off that mountain hours and miles later and felt "cleansed". I felt rip snortin' alive. So free...I was pure Life itself.

Wonderful wonderful post. Just spot on!!! Thank you so much. Hugs and tons of vitality to you and those you love, Robin

CG Walters said...

Thank you, Robin!
I watched your video. Bravo! That was an excellent choice in the celebration of the holidays, of the Self.
Blessings and love to you and your dear ones.....