Friday, October 16, 2009

Dance and Be Blessed

I would believe only in a God that knows how to Dance.-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Painting by
Nisla Hickman

Now, just who got the most out of this concert? this speaks to truth that the value of anything is not itself, but how you experience it. The value is within!!

Enjoy and be blessed, dear ones!!
Have a great weekend....CG

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CG Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives.

Autographed/signed copies of CG's "Highly Recommended" (Midwest Book Review) Sacred Vow are available from the author– or purchase as ebook or from Amazon as Kindle version orprinted copy.

Strike a Chord of Silence is his new book of metaphysical maxims and essays.

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