Monday, December 26, 2011

Personal transformation can and does have global effects--
Marianne Williamson

The video below is created by dragonflywhisperer1

This New Year I Resolve "To Wake Up" And Save The Planet

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Celebrate What's Right in the World!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Peace Is In You

We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.--Dalai Lama

July 7 2009 Extravaganza - Prediction = True

July 7 2009 Extravaganza - Prediction = True

By Pilottage

May you know and embrace the peace within, dear ones,


Video Below by marakakore
Peace Is In Me

If you are having trouble viewing the video above, go to:

Celebrate What's Right in the World!!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Give me insight or Set me free!

Recently someone reminded me of an experience that I struggled with for a very long time (and would not be surprised to encounter it again sometime in the future). He spoke of the 'torment' of sensing imminent awareness of the reality of his true identity, but never being able to fully break through the veil of material illusion. My friend expressed a desire to either have this budding awareness leave him, or become fully conscious.

I could certainly sympathize, for the same frustration gave me much grief at one time in my life. I too had expressed that either/or demand. However, I also knew that once we achieve a glimmer of awareness of our true nature, there was no turning back.

The only comfort that I found from this situation was in coming to the perception that we are always perfection, but have become distracted from that awareness. Even the pursuit of that awareness is a distraction--therefore keeping us from the very intention of our effort. For me, when I involve myself in something that disengages that distraction--meditation (anything that relaxes me, brings me to my center)-I find the insight (and sense of my truest nature) returns.

"Happiness (or the sense of connection with all) is as a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but which if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." --Nathaniel Hawthorne

The other thing I have found was that part of the problem was what I was using as proof of my progression. I assumed that increased awareness would make my life 'easier'. Instead, I realized that holding to that sense of connection (through day to day life) does not 'protect' me from the turmoil that life can be, but only gives me new perception about it (which often seems to reduce the impact and suffering resulting from any turmoil).

"After enlightenment, the laundry"--Zen Proverb

May you find a peaceful place to hold the awareness of the perfection that you are.
blessings and peace, my friends

Video below by Merhlin
The Lie of Our Imperfection - D. M. Ruiz, Carlos Nakai

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Celebrate What's Right in the World!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Eternally nearer than lovers entwined

Eternally nearer than lovers entwined,
Our worlds, infinitely disparate,
In this one place.
Neither move
Without inciting the other,
Unperceived by senses
Save the intuitive.
Release your fear,
As the veil dissipates.
Nothing bizarre emerges,
For I have always been here.--Sacred Vow

$.99 Kindle until December 14

womans capacity on monday by
Eddi 07

Video Below:
Katerina: mystic, goddess, witch, healer,
shamaness, nun, lover, soulmate (SV3)

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(Video Text)

Katerina: mystic, goddess, witch, healer, shamaness, nun, lover, soulmate (SV3)

I slip across the

boundaries of infinite worlds,

Drawn by an eternal
union that bonds us...

visiting the
endless variety of your face,

Arisen in infinite
points of expression of our conjoined souls...

Do you, my love,
evoke me into these many worlds?

With your ancient
mysteries and the Sisterhood of Crones?

Or do I slip
through the portals between worlds

because your absence in this one

makes my connection

here so tenuous?

I realize now you
are in every place I turn,

in every breath I’ve known

for tens of thousands of years.

Though my hand cannot touch you,

I feel you here, always.

I know you are within me….

And you have forever been so.

To attempt to define myself

without speaking of you

Is a delusion.

What I perceive,

I see through the context of our oneness.

What I feel,

I know only in relation to our unity.

Since you stepped out of dream and into my path

It has become obvious that we have eternally moved in unison dancers

divided by dimension.

Take my hand, lover.

Let us dance!!!

Blessings and joy to you today, dear ones,

Celebrate What's Right in the World!

CG Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives.

Autographed/signed copies of Sacred Vow are available from the author– or purchase as ebook or from Amazon as Kindle version or printed copy.

Monday, December 5, 2011

You are the Pearls of a New Tomorrow

You do what is yours to do.
There are no menial tasks, no failures. Such things exist in
the perception, not in the painting.
--Strike a Chord of Silence, CG Walters

for the next two weeks, the Kindle version of Strike a Chord of Silence
will be on sale for $.99

Video below:
A FRIEND IN LONDON - New Tomorrow (Official Music Video)

Celebrate What's Right In The World!!!