Friday, February 27, 2009

CelebraZine 27Feb09

Our life is composed greatly from dreams, from the unconscious,

and they must be brought into connection with action.

They must be woven together. -- Anais Nin

Lapis Dream by zenera

Alex Blackwell presents 45 Tips for a Happier, Simpler and More Productive Life at The BridgeMaker

Life is like art. You have to work hard to keep it simple and still have meaning.” - Charles de Lint

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.--Mother Teresa

David Bohl presents Five Myths about Life and How You Should Be Living It at SlowDownFast

We are told to strive for unattainable lifestyles and to model ourselves after unrealistic, airbrushed models.

Nor shall derision prove powerful against those who listen to humanity

or those who follow in the footsteps of divinity, for they shall live forever. Forever.--Kahlil Gibran

Kiss the Angel by Norma Desmond

This poem was introduced to my by a dear friend, Ariela

I am in Divine Unity
And Divine Harmony
And call upon the Holy Angels
Of Clarity and Purification
For Divine Unification
Of our individual work and
The collective work of this group.
So it is through the Highest of
Intention that we gather here
And ask for Divine Blessing.

We Decree that the Highest,
Most Sacred and Most Divine
Protection and Energy
each one of us
And this group.

And I ask forgiveness of my
As I forgive others theirs.

I Decree that Divine Will and Wish
Flow through all my Beingness,
All my bodies,
All my work,
All my relationships
From the Mindfulness of Divine Mind
Divine Love
To which I Commit
And thus Serve.

To alleviate the suffering of all
Sentient Beings
Through the All and Everything
With Pledges of Pure Joy to the Divine
The Holy Shamans and Holy Sages,
Calling upon the Assistance of
Holy Angelic realm
And all Holy Saints
Through all Times and
To direct my every thought, word, and action
In choosing
Divine Right Thought, Divine Right Word, Divine Right Action,
Through Divine love, Divine Knowledge, Divine Wisdom,
Divine Compassion, and Divine Order,
So as to cause no pain.

Let All things unnecessary fall away;
Let Holy Abundance support me,
My Mission's Path,
And be my ever ready tool
To expand my territory and those whose
Lives I touch and whose lives touch mine.
So to bring heaven throughout earth and beyond seen and unseen;
Let Divine Grace and Divine Ease
Be my Mentors;
Let Divine Strength and Divine Discernment
Be my Guardians.

This I Decree as an Individual of Free will
As a member of Humanity
And as a part of this group.
With the deepest, most Abiding
Sacred gratitude, and Attitude
Thanking All Those and All Things
Which have brought me,
Humanity and this group
To this Sacred Point,
Blessing Always with Immeasurable
Joy and Glory, All of Creation!

Many thanks to those featured today, for the work they do to better our world!!!

Our focus dictates what we see, which reinforces our focus, further confining the possibility of what we will see. May you be blessed by these offerings reminding us of the beauty, wonder, and sacredness in the world around us and within us.

Celebrate yourself!

Be a part of the expression of celebration. Submit your submission --whether you created it or found it--(containing text, image, video, and audio, poetry, quotes, etc.) anytime for the daily installments of CelebraZine, a 'running blog carnival' of self improvement by focusing on What's Right in the World.

C.G. Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives. Autographed/signed copies of his current novel, Sacred Vow, are available from the author– or purchase from Amazon as ebook, paperback, or Kindle version

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

CelebraZine 25Feb09

The mind’s capacity is limitless, and its manifestations are inexhaustible. --Bodhidharma

paradise is here ;) by Eddi 07

Nicholas Powiull presentsThe Life Changing Power of Positive Thinking and the Tremendous Impact it Has On Others atThe Positivity Blog

“You can only see in someone else what you see in yourself.” --Alan Cohen

Satya-Seer presents Rumi: Say I Am You (Sufi poem)

Peter Clemens presents 10 Traits Of A Successful Human Being at PickTheBrain

There’s a lot of talk about what you should do to become successful, but I would argue that it ’s more about who you are that makes the biggest impact. It’s the decisions we make on a daily basis, the habits we naturally form in our lives that determine the level of success we can achieve. Here are 10 traits that I’ve seen as essential for success.

Hindu saying (from the book, "A Joseph Campbell Companion"),

"by none but a god shall a god be worshipped"--

Therefore, you must become the god you wish to worship.

In order to honor love, become love.

All is Dance byEddi 07

Thich Nhat Hanh
presents Clear and Present Compassion at DailyGood Be The Change: In this short but profound passage, Thich Nhat Hanh reflects on who the enemy really is.

Many thanks to those featured today, for the work they do to better our world!!!

Our focus dictates what we see, which reinforces our focus, further confining the possibility of what we will see. May you be blessed by these offerings reminding us of the beauty, wonder, and sacredness in the world around us and within us.

Celebrate yourself!

Be a part of the expression of celebration. Submit your submission --whether you created it or found it--(containing text, image, video, and audio, poetry, quotes, etc.) anytime for the daily installments of CelebraZine, a 'running blog carnival' of self improvement by focusing on What's Right in the World.

Blessings, dear ones,

C.G. Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives. Autographed/signed copies of his current novel, Sacred Vow, are available from the author– or purchase from Amazon as ebook, paperback, or Kindle version

Monday, February 23, 2009

CelebraZine 23Feb09

Responsibility does not only lie with the leaders of our countries or with those who have been appointed or elected to do a particular job. It lies with each of us individually. Peace, for example, starts within each one of us. When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us.--HH the Dalai Lama

Everything is Energy by alicepopkorn

Juliet du Preez presents How To Be Kind To Yourself at theChangeBlog

“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for a kindness” - Seneca

Samme presents Nelson Mandela über Ubuntu at What is hanging in the balance? Samme has many inspiring blogs, offered with much heart. I suggest you read on.

Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion.--Buddha

Last Temptation by h.koppdelaney

Mary Jaksch presents What is the ONE THING in Your Life? at GoodlifeZen What is the one most important thing in your life? Can you answer without hesitation?

I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.
--Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

Many thanks to those featured today, for the work they do to better our world!!!

Our focus dictates what we see, which reinforces our focus, further confining the possibility of what we will see. May you be blessed by these offerings reminding us of the beauty, wonder, and sacredness in the world around us and within us.

Celebrate yourself!

Be a part of the expression of celebration. Submit your submission --whether you created it or found it--(containing text, image, video, and audio, poetry, quotes, etc.) anytime for the daily installments of CelebraZine, a 'running blog carnival' of self improvement by focusing on What's Right in the World.

C.G. Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives. Autographed/signed copies of his current novel, Sacred Vow, are available from the author– or purchase from Amazon as ebook, paperback, or Kindle version

Friday, February 20, 2009

CelebraZine 20Feb09

Without music, life would be a mistake....

I would only believe in a God who knew how to dance.--Friedrich Nietzsche

Painting by Nisla of Nilsa Creations

The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. - Frank Lloyd Wright

What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered.--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Jorge Olson presents Discover the Five methods of finding personal happiness in life

...we need you ensure is to keep the good feelings in our hearts and mind. We need to keep these feelings with us so that we are able to give it back to others when they need it.

What is necessary to change a person is to change [their] awareness of [themself]. --Abraham H. Maslow

thanks to Humanity Healing

Happy Thought by halloween jack

Teal Marie Chimblo presents Finding Peace in Chaos at The Daily Gratitude Blog

Now is the time to reach out...either for help...or to help someone who is hurting.

Mystic Way by Denis Messié

Many thanks to those featured today, for the work they do to better our world!!!

Our focus dictates what we see, which reinforces our focus, further confining the possibility of what we will see. May you be blessed by these offerings reminding us of the beauty, wonder, and sacredness in the world around us and within us.

Celebrate yourself!

Be a part of the expression of celebration. Submit your submission --whether you created it or found it--(containing text, image, video, and audio, poetry, quotes, etc.) anytime for the daily installments of CelebraZine, a 'running blog carnival' of self improvement by focusing on What's Right in the World.

C.G. Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives. Autographed/signed copies of his current novel, Sacred Vow, are available from the author– or purchase from Amazon as ebook, paperback, or Kindle version

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

CelebraZine 18Feb09

To find your own way is to follow your bliss. This involves analysis, watching yourself and seeing where real deep bliss is -- not the quick little excitement , but the real deep, life-filling bliss. --Joseph Campbell

photo by h.koppdelaney

Jenny Mannion presents Practicing Balance in Your Life at Heal Pain Naturally.

I make sure when I am spending time with a loved one I am spending conscious time with them.

O, happy the soul that saw its own faults.--Mevlana Rumi

Just a little fairytale... by Gerbren!

A dear soul, and cherished friend, Carolyn Hamme Allen sent me this one,Married 84 years, and still loving

He still looks at her with love and concern, as she looks toward him as if he will give her strength and guidance

John Wolfe presents Granting Yourself Permission at Wind of the Soul

If we aren’t granting ourselves permission to explore our true nature, then the majority of our relationships are built on false pretenses

Not every message of Spirit is in a 'rarefied' form. Nothing is outside of Spirit, and Spirit will bring its message to the surface in whatever place is most conducive to promote the message—sometimes in surprising forms.I encountered this song and was taken by the pop presentation of Joseph Campbell's "Follow your Bliss."

Selena presents TELL ME SOMETHING on YouTube.

Many thanks to those featured today, for the work they do to better our world!!!

Our focus dictates what we see, which reinforces our focus, further confining the possibility of what we will see. May you be blessed by these offerings reminding us of the beauty, wonder, and sacredness in the world around us and within us.

Celebrate yourself!

Be a part of the expression of celebration. Submit your submission --whether you created it or found it--(containing text, image, video, and audio, poetry, quotes, etc.) anytime for the daily installments of CelebraZine, a 'running blog carnival' of self improvement by focusing on What's Right in the World.

C.G. Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives. Autographed/signed copies of his current novel, Sacred Vow, are available from the author– or purchase from Amazon as ebook, paperback, or Kin

Monday, February 16, 2009

CelebraZine 16Feb09

Each person must live their life as a model for others.--Rosa Parks

Word had spread throughout the countryside about a wise Holy Man who lived in a small house atop the mountain.

martha presented this video in Future pulling at my heart

Rosa Sat - song for Barack Obama

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. --Mahatma Gandhi

aki presents Ashes and Snow To date, more than nine and a half million people around the world have visited the exhibition.

...the function of art is exactly that which I have clearly named as the first function of mythology; to transport the mind in experience past the guardians--desire and fear--of the paradisal gate to the tree within of illuminated life. In the words of the poet Blake, in "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell," "If the doors of perception are cleansed, everything would appear to [us] as it is, infinite.
--Mythological Themes in Creative Literature and Art in Myths, Dreams, and Religion. Ed. Joseph Campbell

WonderlandAlli presents Painting 11, Scarf at Paint 100 Paintings

Mary Jaksch presents Is Goodness a Skill? at GoodLife Zen

In Buddhism the ancient Pali terms for good and evil are kusala and akusala which mean ‘skilful’ and ‘unskilful’.

Many thanks to those featured today, for the work they do to better our world!!!

Our focus dictates what we see, which reinforces our focus, further confining the possibility of what we will see. May you be blessed by these offerings reminding us of the beauty, wonder, and sacredness in the world around us and within us.

Celebrate yourself!

Be a part of the expression of celebration. Submit your submission --whether you created it or found it--(containing text, image, video, and audio, poetry, quotes, etc.) anytime for the daily installments of CelebraZine, a 'running blog carnival' of self improvement by focusing on What's Right in the World.

C.G. Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives. Autographed/signed copies of his current novel, Sacred Vow, are available from the author– or purchase from Amazon as ebook, paperback, or Kindle version

Friday, February 13, 2009

CelebraZine 13Feb09

When the power of love overcomes the love of power,

the world will know peace.-- Jimi Hendrix

(from from Lance

Bus Stop Kiss by h.koppdelaney

richard power presents Imagine Peace, Cultivate Happiness at

Happiness is very serious business," Bhutan Prime Minister Jigme Thinley said.

Jenny Mannion presents I took the Vow of Non Violence, will you? posted at Heal Pain Naturally.

I will “Appreciate EVERY Moment — NOT JUST the GOOD Ones” remaining conscious if strong negative thoughts/emotions come up about anyone or any situation.

Before you speak, ask yourself, is it kind, is it necessary,

is it true, does it improve on the silence? -Sai Baba

the messenger by alicepopkorn

Anna Hummingbird presents Why is there beauty? at HummingBird

What is your perspective on both question and answer?

Nicholas Powiull
presents How to Vibrate at the Same Frequency of ANY Desire posted at Conscious Flex

Everything has a vibrating energy field and behind the field is pure energy. This pure energy has a source that is found within everything throughout the universe.

-= river of dream =- by Bram & Vera

The only thing we need more than dependability in a friend is to be needed.

The only thing we need more than love is to be able to express our love for another.--Strike a Chord of Silence

Many thanks to those featured today, for the work they do to better our world!!!

Our focus dictates what we see, which reinforces our focus, further confining the possibility of what we will see. May you be blessed by these offerings reminding us of the beauty, wonder, and sacredness in the world around us and within us.

Celebrate yourself!

Be a part of the expression of celebration. Submit your submission --whether you created it or found it--(containing text, image, video, and audio, poetry, quotes, etc.) anytime for the daily installments of CelebraZine, a 'running blog carnival' of self improvement by focusing on What's Right in the World.

C.G. Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives. Autographed/signed copies of his current novel, Sacred Vow, are available from the author– or purchase from Amazon as ebook, paperback, or Kindle version

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

CelebraZine 11Feb09

If I have been of service, if I  have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day.-- Alex Noble


photo by Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton        



    Dave Navarro presents The Poverty Snowball: What Is Your Life Worth? at Rock Your Day.     

In the vast global economy, are you a consumer or a producer? And before you say "both," I’m not talking about the things you buy. I’m talking about the take-home pay this planet gets out of your life.


The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.--Mark Twain   

photo by Travelling Pooh

In this regularly inspiring presentation of quotes,  Lanceman reminds us of the sublime wisdom of Pooh in the Sunday Thought For The Day at The Jungle of Life“Promise me you’ll always remember: ....."   


Tejvan Pettinger presents How To Avoid Negativity at  Sri Chinmoy Inspiration   

        One of our great challenges in life is to avoid negativity - a negative attitude to ourselves and others. It is easy to become suspicious, critical,  depressed, fearful, but, despite the prevailing attitudes of the world there is no inevitability that we have to become a grumpy old man.



“Our life is composed greatly from dreams, from the unconscious, and they must be brought into connection with action. They must be woven together.” - Anais Nin


Jay Frawley presents How to use your Dreams to Achieve Your Dreams at InnerNoodle


photo credit:lrargerich


Many thanks to those featured today, for the work they do to better our world!!!        

Our focus dictates what we see, which reinforces our focus, further confining the possibility of what we will see. May you be blessed by these offerings reminding us of the beauty, wonder, and sacredness in the world around us and within us.    

        Celebrate yourself!    

Be a part of the expression of celebration. Submit your submission  --whether you created it or found it--(containing  text, image, video, and audio, poetry, quotes, etc.) anytime for the daily installments of CelebraZine, a 'running blog carnival' of self improvement by focusing on What's Right in the World.                     


Blessings, dear ones,         

C.G. Walters primarily writes fiction that focuses on the multidimensionality of our loves and our lives. Autographed/signed copies of his current novel, Sacred Vow, are available from the author– or purchase from Amazon as ebookpaperbackor Kindle version